Thursday, November 6, 2008

Long Night.... :(

Peanut was not feeling well last night; with a fever for 103.7. A little Tylenol helped a little, and she slept most of the night. By morning fever was still 102.6. As the day progressed, with the help of Tylenol, fever seemed to receed to the low 100's, but this evening it was back up... all the way up to 104.1. Talk about shell shock!!! Not quite prepared for this roller coaster. Called the on-call for the first time ever, and was reaffirmed that since she's not dehydrated, and not acting abnormally to try to stay the course unless it increases more than 104.5. A few hours later we were back down to 100.4. Going to bed now... hopefully for a restful night for Peanut. Mom and Dad are probably staying home tomorrow; at the very least to let Peanut have a calm recovery day.


MPPs Mom said...

oh poor little peanut!!! I hope she's better now.

springfall99 said...

I hope she is feeling better now :-(. *Kisses. Halloween costumes are too cute.